Random provider


 - name: is_subscribed
   provider: Random.bool

Create a random boolean.

Options are also possible.

In this case, corrupted does not change anything as it is still a boolean.


 - name: created
   provider: Random.Date.date
   format: "%m-%d-%Y"
   after: 02-15-2000
   before: 07-17-2020

Create a random date with:

  • an optional parameter format. Default is "%Y-%m-%d"
  • an optional parameter after as a lower boundary. It should follow the format parameter. Default is 1980-01-01
  • an optional parameter before as a upper boundary. It should follow the format parameter. Default is 2000-01-01

Options are also possible.

In this case, corrupted means random date without using the parameters as limit.

 - name: connection
   provider: Random.Date.datetime
   format: "%m-%d-%Y %H-%M-%S"
   after: 02-15-2000 12:01:01
   before: 07-17-2020 15:06:06

Create a random datetime with:

  • an optional parameter format. Default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
  • an optional parameter after as a lower boundary. It should follow the format parameter. Default is 1980-01-01 12:00:00
  • an optional parameter before as a upper boundary. It should follow the format parameter. Default is 2000-01-01 12:00:00

Options are also possible.

In this case, corrupted means random datetime without using the parameters as limit.


 - name: percentage
   provider: Random.Number.f64
   min: -1000
   max: 1000.78

Create a random 64 bits float with:

  • an optional parameter min. Default is the minimum 64bits float.
  • an optional parameter max. Default is the maximum 64bits float.

Options are also possible.

 - name: score
   provider: Random.Number.i32
   min: -100
   max: 100

Create a random 32 bits integer with:

  • an optional parameter min. Default is the minimum 32bits integer.
  • an optional parameter max. Default is the maximum 32bits integer.

Options are also possible.

In this case, corrupted means random int32 without using the parameters as limit.


 - name: string_code
   provider: Random.String.alphanumeric
   length: 5..15

Create a random string, with only Alphanumerics characters.

  • an optional parameter length to specify the length of the string. This parameter can be a range 5..15 or a constant 8. Default is 10.

Options are also possible.

In this case, corrupted means random string not in UTF8 format.